Meet the Principal
Shadow Lake Families and Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I look forward to our partnership with you, as your students’ first teachers, and all our Tigers, staff, and the greater community. We have an amazing one!
At Shadow Lake, we foster a love of learning that is contagious. We believe that when students are inspired and motivated, they can achieve anything. Our goal is to make learning a fun and exciting journey for your children.
Our theme for this school year is COMMUNITY (based on the children’s book, I Am We: A Book of Community by Susan Verde). My favorite pages from the book say, “Connected is what we are: part of a worldwide community, diverse and magnificent, kind and accepting, supportive and present. All of us important, none of us alone.” Another quote: “And if we put our heads and hearts together, if we keep on caring for ourselves AND each other… everything is possible.” I hope everyone in our community feels welcome, safe, and grows at our school.
We value the partnership with our families and community. Your involvement is integral to the success of our school. We encourage you to reach out to our office about volunteer opportunities that we have available. Your contributions make a difference.
I look forward to a fantastic year at the World’s Greatest Elementary School!
With Tiger Pride,
Kellie Christiansen
Shadow Lake Elementary School
It’s A Great Day to Be a Tiger!